Special Public Cruise Saturday, July 21, 2018 12:30pm
Leaving from our Docks in Downtown Excelsior
This weekend, Captain Terry will be hosting an additional afternoon public cruise on Saturday, July 21, 2018 at 12:30. He adds these special public cruises when the weather is expected to be superb and he thinks people will be looking for a nice way to spend a couple of hours in the early afternoon. The National Weather Service predict just that, well the weather part. NOAA’s forecast puts the temps in the upper 60s, with beautiful clear skys.

This Saturday’s weather should be in the upper 60s and sunny, a perfect Minnesota summer day. Being on Lake Minnetonka will be the place to be. Hope to see you aboard! Call (952) 929-1209 or order online to reserve your place aboard the Lady of the Lake.